Add Line Numbers to Text

Enter the text content:

Line number format:

(LN means current line number.)

About Add Line Numbers to Text

Adding line numbers to text can be useful for various applications, such as coding, documentation, or reviewing lengthy text files. The IMG555 Text Line Number Adder Tool provides a simple and effective way to add incremental line numbers to your text. This guide will walk you through the features and steps to use this tool effectively.

What is a Text Line Number Adder?

The Text Line Number Adder is an online application that allows you to add line numbers to your text. The program splits the text input into individual lines and assigns an incremental number to each line. It offers various options to customize the numbering format and behavior.

Key Features:

  • Incremental Numbering: Adds incremental line numbers to each line of text.
  • Skip Empty Lines: Option to skip numbering empty lines, including lines with only whitespace.
  • Custom Numbering Format: Allows customization of the numbering format using special variables.
  • Quick Use Formats: Provides three popular ordered list formats for easy use.

How to Use the IMG555 Text Line Number Adder

Step-by-Step Instructions:

Step 1: Access the Tool

Visit our website or navigate to the specific page that hosts the IMG555 Text Line Number Adder Tool. Ensure that the tool is easy to access and user-friendly.

Step 2: Enter Text

Paste your text into the designated input area within the tool. This is where the text will be processed and line numbers will be added.

Step 3: Customize Settings

Explore the customization options provided by the tool:

  1. Number All Lines: By default, the tool will add line numbers to all lines.
  2. Skip Empty Lines: Check this option if you want to skip numbering lines that are empty or contain only whitespace.
  3. Numbering Format: Choose from the three quick use formats or select "Custom" to define your own format. For custom formats, use the special variable "%n" to represent the current line number. For example, entering "(%n)" will result in "(1)", "(2)", "(3)", etc.

Step 4: Add Line Numbers

After entering the text and adjusting the settings, click the “Add Line Numbers” button. The tool will process the text and add line numbers according to the specified parameters.

Step 5: Copy or Download Text

Once the line numbers have been added, you can copy the processed text to your clipboard or download it as a file for further use.

Detailed Analysis and Insights

Using the IMG555 Text Line Number Adder Tool can significantly streamline tasks that require referencing specific lines of text. For instance, when reviewing a long document or code file, line numbers can help pinpoint exact locations, making the review process more efficient.


Imagine you are a teacher reviewing a student's essay. By adding line numbers to the text, you can easily reference specific lines in your feedback, making it clear which parts of the text you are commenting on.

Benefits of Using the IMG555 Text Line Number Adder Tool

Here are some advantages of utilizing the IMG555 Text Line Number Adder Tool:

  • Efficiency: Quickly add line numbers to large text files without manual counting.
  • Customization: Flexible numbering formats to suit different needs and preferences.
  • Improved Reference: Makes it easier to reference specific lines in long documents or code files.
  • Free and Accessible: Available at no cost and accessible from any device with an internet connection.


The IMG555 Text Line Number Adder Tool is an essential resource for anyone needing to add line numbers to text for coding, documentation, or reviewing purposes. Its user-friendly interface, customizable settings, and quick processing make it a valuable tool for improving text readability and reference.


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