UTM Builder

Our UTM builder creates UTM tracking links for Google in seconds! Learn everything you need to know to start creating UTM codes with this free resource.

Creating UTM tracking links for Google involves appending specific parameters to URLs to track various metrics in Google Analytics. Here's a guide to creating UTM codes:

What Are UTM Parameters?

  • UTM Parameters: These are tags added to the end of a URL to track the source, medium, campaign name, etc., of the traffic that lands on a website.

Components of UTM Parameters:

  1. Source (utm_source): Identifies where the traffic is coming from (e.g., newsletter, Facebook, Google).
  2. Medium (utm_medium): Identifies the marketing medium that brought the traffic (e.g., email, CPC, social).
  3. Campaign (utm_campaign): Names the specific campaign that the URL is associated with.
  4. Term (utm_term): Typically used for paid search to identify keywords.
  5. Content (utm_content): Used to differentiate ads or links that point to the same URL.

Steps to Create UTM Parameters:

  1. Use a UTM Builder Tool: Various online tools, like ours, streamline this process. Enter the required details like source, medium, campaign, etc.

  2. Fill in the Information:

    • Source: Identify where the traffic is from (e.g., newsletter, Facebook, partner website).
    • Medium: Specify the marketing medium (e.g., email, CPC, social).
    • Campaign: Name the specific campaign.
    • (Optional) Term & Content: Utilize these for additional tracking if needed.
  3. Generate the UTM Code: The tool will create a unique UTM tracking link.

  4. Use the UTM Link: Incorporate the generated link into your campaigns. When users click the link, the UTM parameters will be tracked in Google Analytics.

Best Practices:

  • Consistent Naming: Use a consistent naming convention to ensure accurate tracking.
  • Avoid Spaces and Special Characters: Use hyphens or underscores instead of spaces or special characters.
  • Regular Review: Regularly check your UTM parameters for consistency and accuracy.

By using UTM parameters, you'll gain deeper insights into your traffic sources, campaign performance, and user behavior in Google Analytics, facilitating better marketing strategies and decision-making.